Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Servant Weapons Pt. 1

AKA: Sword of Awakening
Type: Sword +3

Supposedly crafted by a mad magician who wanted to be awake at all times to guard his secrets.

The wielder of Awakening has a 1 in 6 chance of actually being able to sleep or get the benefit of a long rest. 5 out of 6 times the weapon will unleash an otherworldly shriek directly into the wielder's mind in order to stir them awake. They suffer sleep deprivation as normal. If the wielder manages to go 11 days without sleep they simply die.

The sword has a bizarre effect against the undead who are typically immune to sleep spells. If at least one damage is dealt to an undead by Awakening, the undead must succeed in a saving throw or fall asleep.

Frozen Heart Slayer
Type: Sword +3

The original wielder died heroically, stabbing a frost giant from the inside after having their upper torso swallowed by the beast.

The wielder of Frozen Heart Slayer is always cold. Really really cold. While the cold is technically an illusion, the feeling is very real and can lead to sickness or death. If no attempt is made to ward off the cold (wearing multiple jackets, being near fire, etc.), every hour the wielder has a 1 in 6 chance of developing frostbite. This cold feeling will never leave, regardless of whether the user moves to a tropical island or falls into a volcano.

Attacks made by the Frozen Heart Slayer do not cause pain, and many will not even realize they have been harmed. If the wielder misses an attack with this weapon, the defender must succeed in a saving throw or suffer 1d6 cold damage as the breeze caused by the swing creates a deadly chill.

The Knives from Nowhere
Type: Knife +1

Nobody knows where these knives come from, because nobody knows where nowhere is.

If the wielder of this weapon is in need of a knife, they will find one--in their pocket, under a flower pot, behind somebody's ear. It doesn't really seem to matter. The knives eventually disappear after a minute or two if not being held. Supposedly they go back to nowhere.

When the wielder draws (summons/conjures??) a knife, there is a 1 in 6 chance that it will not be a knife. Roll on the table below to determine what appears.

1. A fish (type of fish decided by referee)
2. A fork or spoon (50/50 chance of either)
3. A scroll with an encouraging message.
4. A scroll with a disparaging message.
5. Any type of long slender vegetable (carrot, celery, etc.)
6. Literally just a handful of sticky honey.

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